FL Studio

How To Copy And Paste On FL Studio?

Copying and pasting in FL Studio is a handy feature that can save you time and effort when working on your music projects. Whether you’re moving sections of a melody or duplicating a drum pattern, mastering this function can streamline your workflow.

How To Copy And Paste On FL Studio?

How to Copy and Paste in FL Studio?

Copying and pasting in FL Studio stands out as a straightforward and effective method for duplicating various segments of audio files, significantly streamlining the music production workflow.

Copy-Paste Shortcuts in FL Studio

Like many other platforms or software, FL Studio also utilizes familiar keyboard shortcuts for copying and pasting files. You can employ Ctrl + C to copy files and Ctrl + V to paste them into various sections.

Here are some essential keyboard shortcuts in FL Studio

  • To copy a file or sequence: Ctrl + C
  • To cut a file or sequence: Ctrl + X
  • To select the entire MIDI or audio: Ctrl + A
  • To paste the clipboard file or sequence: Ctrl + V
  • To duplicate the audio or MIDI: Ctrl + B

How do I copy and paste a playlist in FL Studio?

  • Step 1: Start by opening the playlist window in FL Studio. You can do this by clicking on the “Playlist” button in the top menu or by simply pressing F5 on your keyboard.
  • Step 2: Choose the MIDI or audio you wish to copy. To select the entire audio, you can either use the shortcut Ctrl + A (Command + A on Mac) or hold down the Ctrl key while dragging the mouse over the desired audio.
  • Step 3: With the appropriate files selected, copy them by pressing Ctrl + C on Windows or Command + C on Mac. The selected content will be copied to the clipboard, and its appearance will change to red, indicating it has been copied.
  • Step 4: Once the content is on your clipboard, you can paste it into either a different playlist or the same one. To paste the selection, press Ctrl + V on Windows or Command + V on Mac.

To expedite this process further, you can utilize the duplicate tool. After selecting the audio, simply hit Ctrl + B to duplicate the selection without the need to use Ctrl + C or Ctrl + V.

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